Good Quality Homes for All Londoners, Housing Design Supplementary Planning Guidance
Date: 2018 - 2020
The Mayor of London has published Good Quality Homes for All Londoners, the Housing Design Supplementary Planning Guidance to the new London Plan.
Written by Mæ with the team at the GLA and our consultants, the suite of four guidance documents embeds quality at the centre of housing delivery.
The documents are a toolkit; providing guidance on the key policies and standards in the London Plan that relate to housing, whilst advocating and facilitating a design-led approach to capacity assessment. Following publication as consultation drafts the documents were adopted in June 2023 as London Plan Guidance and can be found in the design section here.
The SPG marks a shift in the culture of delivering housing. We are directing the narrative away from one about numbers and densities and towards one about lived experience, the circular economy and raising the baseline of development quality.
This aspirational document offers clear guidance and certainty as part of a framework for Good Growth; whereby London's available sites can be optimised rather than maximised.
An example of a Tutorial and Toolkit, based on Mæ's guidance for the GLA, Mayor of London.