Ravensbourne Estate

Ravensbourne Estate

  • Location: Lewisham
  • Client: Phoenix Community Housing
  • Date: 2018- ongoing

The site is located within the Ravensbourne Estate in the London Borough of Lewisham. The applicant and owner of the estate, Phoenix Community Housing is a not-for-profit resident-led Housing Association. They are committed to quality design and construction to provide excellent, robust affordable new homes and places, which in return optimise land use, reduce maintenance and running costs.

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The existing estate comprises four storey residential blocks with large areas of parking. There is a community centre at present on site, a ball court and some vacant garages.

The scheme aims to positively respond to the existing estate and strengthen the qualities inherent in it, utilising under-used and vacant space on the estate for much needed new affordable housing. The proposal consists of 20 new homes split across two infill blocks

The current community building is in a poor state of repair, and it is non-compliant with fire regulations. For this reason, the scheme offers a new community room which activates a new public square designed as part of the new landscape strategy.

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