Kersfield Estate

Kersfield Estate

  • Location: Wandsworth, London
  • Client: London Borough of Wandsworth
  • Date: 2016 - Ongoing
  • Value: £15 million

Developed in close consultation with the local community, our scheme provides 41 mixed tenure homes on small infill sites on Wandsworth’s Kersfield Estate.

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The scheme sensitively adds to an existing estate and introduces new housing in a way that improves the legibility of the estate, creating an active street edge and new buildings of distinction.

Five new blocks will adjoin the blank gable ends of the existing buildings creating distinct bookends. Ranging from two to four storeys in height, the new blocks provide a range of one to three bedroom homes.

Massing, scale and orientation have been carefully considered to reduce the impact upon existing green space and established residents.

New planting will encourage biodiversity and help to re-establish the green character of the street frontage along Lytton Grove, while a new pedestrian footpath and birch trees will enhance the woodland setting on the southern edge of the site. Benches and play equipment will encourage active and varied use of the space, providing places for residents to congregate, rest and play.
